VISSOFT 2017 Best Paper: Visual Exploration of Memory Traces and Call Stacks

VISSOFT 2017 Best Paper: Visual Exploration of Memory Traces and Call Stacks

At the software visualization conference VISSOFT, we presented a tool for tracing memory access patterns of arbitrary applications at runtime and then doing post-mortem visual analysis. The purpose of this visualization is to help developers finding hints for optimization of their code regarding memory usage. This is important for many applications in the area of high-performance computing, especially because the gap between processor and memory speeds continues to grow. Thus, memory accesses pose a bottleneck for performance-critical applications.

Let’s Take a Brief Look Back to IEEE VIS 2017

Let’s Take a Brief Look Back to IEEE VIS 2017

Every year in autumn, researchers and practitioners from academia, government, and industry come together at IEEE VIS to explore their shared interests in tools, techniques, and technology. Among them, there was also a group of visual computing researchers from the Universities of Stuttgart and Konstanz. They visited this scientific meeting to present their newest insights and developments in the field of Visual Computing. In this blog post you find a list of the their publications presented to the international community.

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