On the first of July this year I successfully defended my PhD Thesis with the title Quasi Continuous Level Monte Carlo Method (1) and I am happy to share my work on the SFB-TRR 161 blog.
Quasi Continuous Level Monte Carlo Method

On the first of July this year I successfully defended my PhD Thesis with the title Quasi Continuous Level Monte Carlo Method (1) and I am happy to share my work on the SFB-TRR 161 blog.
The PhD Retreat 2021 was held in-person at the Evangelische Tagungsstätte Löwenstein. For the first time, many of the PhD students of this funding period saw each other live. This is their report.
The SFB/Transregio 161’s Graduate School had the pleasure to attend a workshop on Machine Learning: Dimension Reduction Techniques, which was held by Dr. Michaël Aupetit, Senior Scientist at QCRI, Qatar.